ReWET Reports
Primary Economic Analysis Report
This report provides an overall summary of the primary economic analysis conducted on the lake between Gulshan and Korail using a Total Ecosystem Services Valuation method, that identifies a potential out of BDT 10,000 Crore economic value that can be generated from the project.
Multiscalar Mapping Report of Urban Wetlands: Focus on GB Lake
This report combines the urban mapping at multiple scales to show Dhaka’s geomorphological situation, the wetland loss over the years and a detailed mapping of the case study area, identifying point source pollution and edge conditions.
Stocktaking Report of Urban Wetlands, Current Status, Restoration Potential and Livelihood Linkages
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge of urban wetlands globally and locally in Dhaka, and links across multiple disciplines to understand urban wetlands.
GB Lake Water Health - Current Status and Future Directions
This report combines water sample test data for pollutants in the GB lake water with comparative analysis, as well as provides recommendations for how to use nature-based interventions to restore lake health.
Stakeholder Analysis Report
This report analyses the current level of services provided in Korail and provides a mapping of the interlinakges with sorrounding areas, the key stakeholders in the project as well as provides recommendations for effective engagement and potential risks.
Korail Restores the Wetland: Locally-led Action Charter and Policy Recommendations
This report, from the co-production workshops done with the urban farmers and dwellers of Korail slum, articulates their charter to protect the lake, demand from the government and policy recommendations.
Report on Consultation with Experts and Partners
This report summarises the findings based on consultations with landscape and agriecology experts (both formally trained and indigenous) about the viability of ReWET project and highlights their recommendations.
Report on Knowledge Exchange Workshop with Experts and Local Participants
This report showcases the findings of knowledge exchange workshops between the experts and local dwellers/urban farmers. It lists some key water treatment and agroecological typologies.