The ReWET project is conducted by a consortium which is an alliance of global universities, research centres, local grassroots agro-cooperatives and climate activists…

Our Story - Linking Local to Global

Many of us in the ReWET consortium have long been engaged with grassroots urban farmers living in Bangladesh’s largest informal settlement. Some of us have worked on water-related research and advocacy, while others are young activists and social entrepreneurs committed to social and environmental justice.

ReWET was formed to pursue the REDAA grant, building on our diverse experiences, deep community connections, and shared commitment to climate resilience and equity. Our collaboration is more than just a project—it’s a collective effort to protect the environment in a way that is just, inclusive, and sustainable for future generations.

Core Consortium Members

These are the core members of the ReWET consortium, which includes the following institutions:

University of Sheffield, UK

Smith College, USA

Sheffield Hallam University, UK

River and Delta Research Centre, Bangladesh

Nogor Abad, Bangladesh (the local agroecological cooperative based in the largest informal settlement in Dhaka)

Outreach and engagement partners:

YouthNet Global

Prochesta Foundation

Knowledge Exchange Network

We quickly realised that there are many more allies in our struggle for a socially-just wetland restoration model. We have established a knowledge exchange network to link with other activists, researchers, and institutions whose work aligns strongly with ReWET and to exchange ongoing learnings.

Current Instituioanl Partners:

University of Asia Pacific (UAP)

Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

Daffodil International University (DIU)

55 Kodomtola Greening Gulshan Lakeside (citizen’s initiative)

We are also now onboarding Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN) Fellows, linking with individual researchers and activists..

Stay tuned for the update!

Meet the Team

  • Tanzil Shafique

    Project Co-Lead

    Assistant Professor of Urban Design, University of Sheffield, UK

  • Mohammad Azaz

    Project Co-Lead / Manager

    Chairman, River and Delta Research Centre

  • Efadul Huq

    Project Co-Lead

    Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy, Smith College, USA

  • Sifullah Khaled

    Sifullah Khaled

    Project Co-Lead

    Assistant Professor of Climate Finance, Sheffield Hallam University

  • Shuvashish Das Shuvo

    Consortium Coordinator

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Md Shafiqul Islam

    Admin, Finance and Accounts Officer

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Andrew Hughes

    Research Assistant

    Doctoral Fellow, University of Sheffield

  • Iftekhar Uddin Ahmed

    Knowledge Exchange Network Coordinator

    Lecturer, University of Asia Pacific

  • Mohammad Romel

    Research Associate

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Quazi Arish Saif Mahi

    Research-to-Action Associate

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Khalid Saiffullah

    Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Md Khalid Asaf Prottoy

    Md Khalid Asaf Prottoy

    Research-to-Action Assistant

    River and Delta Research Centre

  • Dipu Debnath

    Office Assistant

    River and Delta Research Centre

Contact us.

Email: rewetconsortium@gmail.com
Hotline: +8801517128006 Website: www.rewet.info

Office Address:

ReWET International Office

14.2, Arts Tower, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK

ReWET Project Office

5th Floor, 60, 1207 W Agargaon, Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh

ReWET Site Office

Kollyan 177, BTCL Colony, Road No 5, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh